How to do more without feeling overwhelmed.

No brakes? No breaks 🥴 Looking back at last blog post all that comes to mind is “Oh, how the mighty has fallen!” I went from a buzz saw of energy and focus, to racking up one sweat filled strength training session last week. Yes, I have learned the art of celebrating small wins, but woooooo this week was a […]

From Resolutions to Results: Making Fitness Goals NOW!

Full disclosure: I approach New Year’s Resolutions the way The Grinch approached Christmas. Don’t get me wrong. I am not goals adverse or even lists adverse. However, I do believe that if you are passionate about your life goals, the only right time to take action is right now. I gave this speech content at a recent Toastmasters club meeting […]

Looking In The Mirror & Introducing Me to Me.

It has been over a year since I picked up my iPad to blog. I usually blog on Sunday afternoons. Something happened. For the second time in two days, fellow Toastmasters raved how much they loved my website and how I inspired them. I immediately felt like an imposter. I considered letting my domain go at the end of December. […]

It takes more than passion to build a brand.

I remember over a year ago as I mulled over whether or not I should pursue a run coaching certification, I came across this quote: To teach someone, you don’t have to know everything. You just need to know more than the person who asks for the information. I must admit that I used that quote as a crutch for […]

Head down. Knees up. Execute well. In that order.

How I am finding success in my off season. In my last blog post, I shared some of my non-running related goals that I have been focused on post-Chicago Marathon. To be honest, that focus has been working well for me. I got in two hours of studying for my Marathon Running Coach Certification exam before setting in to start […]

Stomping out limiting beliefs in the sport of running.

“I could never run an entire marathon!” “I cannot run a mile without stopping or getting winded.” “I am not a runner. I am not a REAL runner.” “I need to get in shape before I can start running.” How may of us have uttered one or more of these statements? How many of us believe that running is good […]

Three Reasons Why You Need A Run Coach.

Let’s acknowledge it: the Covid-19 restrictions have brought out the fitness enthusiasts in our people like never before. It is understandable. Those fleeting hours of being able to feel the sun on our faces and the tropical breeze surround us are moments of freedom in the midst of uncertainty. As the number of persons jogging along the streets, parks and […]

My Virtual Marathon Experience

(Repost from October 2020) Truth be told, I remain under the cloud of exhaustion from early Friday morning. However, I felt that it is important to document my experience of running my first virtual long distance race. Prior to Friday, the longest distance that I would commit to for a virtual run was the 5K. My race day strategy was […]

The Courage To Start.

We are officially in 2021. After what appeared to be the longest year in history in 2020, if you are reading this now, you can say “I made it.” While I personally have never been a fan of New Year’s Resolutions and in fact, I pretty much go out of my way to ensure that I do not get sucked […]