From Resolutions to Results: Making Fitness Goals NOW!

Full disclosure: I approach New Year’s Resolutions the way The Grinch approached Christmas. Don’t get me wrong. I am not goals adverse or even lists adverse. However, I do believe that if you are passionate about your life goals, the only right time to take action is right now. I gave this speech content at a recent Toastmasters club meeting […]

Head down. Knees up. Execute well. In that order.

How I am finding success in my off season. In my last blog post, I shared some of my non-running related goals that I have been focused on post-Chicago Marathon. To be honest, that focus has been working well for me. I got in two hours of studying for my Marathon Running Coach Certification exam before setting in to start […]

Stomping out limiting beliefs in the sport of running.

“I could never run an entire marathon!” “I cannot run a mile without stopping or getting winded.” “I am not a runner. I am not a REAL runner.” “I need to get in shape before I can start running.” How may of us have uttered one or more of these statements? How many of us believe that running is good […]